Today it is Thursday 11th September 2014, 13 years ago this day changed the way we view the world. Total number of deaths 2996, and it feel so surreal that 2996 lost their life with no purpose, for no real reason other than wrong place at the wrong time.
This summer me and my family visited New York and off course we had to pay our tribute and went to visit Ground Zero. The new memorial building is near completion and standing on the ground looking up it was amazing, the building gives the optical illusion of being a pathway to heaven, it was as if you were looking at a never ending road. I stood there looking at this building reaching high up into the sky and I felt quite emotional and as I kept walking towards ground zero I just felt a lump building up.
I walked around studying the architecture, the names, looking at the white memorial roses left by family members and I could not help but think back to that tragic day. I kept thinking of the despair all these people would have felt that day and I just can’t get the images of people jumping out of the building and the sight of these large buildings collapsing. The feeling of being trapped and knowing this is it, knowing that your life will end too soon and that you will leave loved one behind. It was not fair, it was not right and I can’t believe that there are people out there who are capable to bring so much sadness and sorrow for their own personal gain.
Still in some way, I guess this day have brought us more together, together against terrorism.
After an emotional journey around ground zero, holding back my tears we were heading back to the Subway Station to explore Little Italy and China Town. Nearby I spotted a building that still had visible signs from the carnage that day and again it was just a reminder of the severity that tragic day. As we walked towards China Town we spotted an old style fire station, outside was the plaque with those who lost their lives and inside was the most stunning muriel the remember the firemen from 9/11.
This is certainly a date I will never forget.