Little Souls There is no greater pleasure then watching our wandering little souls explore the world and find their own place of happiness. Take a look

Is it spring yet | Stavanger Photography

Often I wake up get ready for work, walk out to yet another cold morning and wonder what happened to spring, then I remember that spring is nearly over and summer is suppose too be knocking on our door.

This cold weather has truly delayed spring, not just in temperature but also in the things we see around us. I have previously seen plum trees in full bloom this time of year, but this year I am excited just to see the green grass and leafs arrive. Maybe it is just me, but the vibrancy that the nature bring really helps my mood. I love driving down the road when I see trees covered in green leafs and ground covered in yellow dandelion.

So as we were waiting on spring, we decided to get some plants for our outside decking area. A couple of flowers fell off in transit so I put them in a glass and off course had to snap a couple of images as we were waiting on summer (and spring).

By Evy Photography  | Waiting on Summer
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Week 18 – TV time | Stavanger lifestyle fotograf

Creatures of habit….

Isn’t it amazing how we are creatures of habit, how we always do something in a similar way. Our girls tend to sit in this corner of the sofa, they sit close but not too close and then they stare at the tv. They sit there really quiet and if you speak to them you often have to repeat two or three times before they answer. They may watch the same program twice a day, yet is equally as engrossed. 
By Evy Photography | Week 18 Lifestyle Photography |
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Week 17 – Time for a Story | Stavanger Fotograf

My girls loves books and story time and this love is replicated in  how they play with their toys. My youngest was putting her dolls and me to bed and was lovingly reading us a story. This week Barnehageboka mi by Kari Grossmann the big hit. We read it several nights this week and it came everywhere with us. It is the first time since moving to Norway we looked in it and suddenly she could relate to the story and pictures. It is a lovely book and I particularly like the illustrations in the books by Kari Grossmann, they are so cute and it is so easy to talk around the images.

As you can probably tell by the photos, my daughter did tell me off a couple of times for taking photos when I should be sleeping.

By Evy Photography

By Evy Photography

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Week 16 Painting the rainbow | By Evy Photography

Somewhere over the rainbow 
        way up high
       in the land
             that I heard of once
             Once in a lullaby

One of the songs on my Iphone is Somewhere over the Rainbow by Eva Cassidy which is definately my favourite version of this song. There is something truly magical about it and it just warms my heart every time I hear it. Maybe it is because there are something truly magical about rainbows. I am not sure if it is the magic of believing, the fairy tales that is attached to it or just the pure beauty of the rainbow.

Like there is something magical about the rainbow, I find watching your children grow equally as magical. If you take time out and ask your children question or just listen to them play the imaginary world they create is something really unique. So I decided to use this magic of childhood and took my daughter outside. Gave her a little stool and a paintbrush and asked her to paint me the rainbow. As I was taking the images she was gently balancing on the stool, stretching as tall as she was all the way up on her tip toes to reach higher then bend down and dip her paintbrush into yet another colour. Once she was finished painting the rainbow she continued to paint our house. She was talking me through the steps of painting the roof, the windows and the door. I could watch her hands move as she was painting.

Children don’t need a canvas, all they need is their imagination.

For those who are wondering about the adorable outfit, it is a dress and leggings by the Deutch designers Jottum. Their clothes are unique and love all the little details making the a sophisticated yet playful look. I purchased this outfit a couple of years ago and have been waiting for my daughter to grow into it.

Week 16 Painting the Rainbow | By Evy Photography |

Week 16 Painting the Rainbow | By Evy Photography |

Week 16 Painting the Rainbow | By Evy Photography |

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Chilling out | Stavanger fotographer

I have always been one of these people who likes cats and growing up I always wanted a cat. I was delighted when my in-laws gave us our first cat I was delighted. We lived in town and was so worried he would loose him that we were limiting the time spent outside and this time was usually supervised. He soon learnt to come home when we called his name and he turned into the cat with a human personality. When we went to see my inlaws he would come with us and he would play with their dog, which usually meant chasing the dogs tale. When we since moved to the suburbs Snowy soon met the cat next door, he is one of these gentle cats who wants to be friends with everyone. It therefore was never a problem to introduce him to Mara when I was given her for my birthday a year later.

Like my birthdays come around way too fast…. I am reminded of how fast life is passing by when I sit down and think of my cats age. It is soon 12 years since we got Snowy and Mara followed on, only one year later. When thinking of how long they have been with us we are reminded that they are no longer young and it explains why they spend so much more of their days sleeping. 
Snowy | By Evy Photography |
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