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Category Archives: other

{5/52} Hello Kitty – a 7 day challenge

During week 5 of my 52 week project we were also running a 7 day challenge through Inverurie Camera Club. The aim of the 7 day challenge was to take 7 photos over 7 days. Each participants were to set their own project at the beginning of the week. I opted for one object seven…

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Rose Lille – Clothes

I mentioned Rose Lille a while ago as I ordered my daughter some clothes prior to Christmas. Their clothing line has a vintage feel to it both in style and use of colours.   I dressed her in one of the outfits earlier in the month and she looked stunning, absolutely stunning. The outfit has neutral colur but great detail….

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{4/52} Mary Poppins – Self Portrait | Aberdeen lifestyle photographer

“Self portrait is a portrait of yourself captured by yourself” and I cheated this rule. I was out photographing with my friend Nicola of Nicasa Photography. It is not until you try to take a self portrait that you realise how difficult it is to get the camera to the right setting and positioning yourself…

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When failure turn to success | Aberdeen Lifestyle Photographer

On 90% of occasions we learn from our mistakes and try to rectify them next time. But on rare occasions our mistakes tuns into success – and to me this is life’s little surprises. As I was practising using the external flash the flashgun did not release a burst and as a result I got…

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  • BarbroJanuary 19, 2011 - 9:36 pm

    Nydelig bilde av den herlige jenta di!
    Du er laaaaaangt foran meg når det gjelder foto altså, jeg skjønner at jeg har vanvittig mye å lære både når det gjelder komposisjon, lys og ikke minst redigering!
    Nattaklem fra megReplyCancel

Focus-52, Week 1 – Resolution

Focus 52 that is the name of the game and that is the challenge for 2011. Basically I am taking part in an exciting Flickr group called Focus 52 which is as it say in its logo a creative project where you have to take a photo every week for the next 52 weeks. The project…

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  • J.January 8, 2011 - 12:47 am

    Loved the photo on flickr, and love your words here.
    And that’s a great resolution. One we should all take to heart!

    Feel free to come and link up this post on the blog!ReplyCancel

  • breezelifeJanuary 8, 2011 - 3:15 pm

    beautiful! love the ribbon and how you composed the photo and the gorgeous white tones. very nice! Glad you’re doing the focus52.ReplyCancel

  • BarbroJanuary 14, 2011 - 9:19 pm

    nydelig bilde, snuppa!
    gleder meg til å ta i bruk det nye kameraet ja!! det er nesten bortkasta på meg vettu, for jeg har jo altfpr lite kunnskap om både fotografi og redigering…men ett sted må man begynne! og det er ikke tvil om at det blir utrolig mye bedre bilder med et skikkelig kamera 🙂
    ha ei herlig helg!
    klem fra megReplyCancel
